A clever team of four teenage girls recently assembled a working generator that’s turns a single liter of urine into 6 hours of electricity.
Tech & Gadgets
4 Mobile Apps Helping Minimize Waste in the Food Industry
The problem isn’t a lack of food, it’s a lack of know-how, connection, and infrastructure to get it into the hands of those who need it. That’s where mobile apps come in.
New Twist On Tech Incubator Helps Fledgling Companies Take Flight
Representing a new twist on the successful tech incubator model, Fledge helps create and accelerate companies hoping to serve conscious consumers.
How To Recycle Your Cell Phone Responsibly
Get a comparison of some of the most popular cell phone recycling schemes in the United States.
Water Walls Could Replace Bulky Life-Support Systems On Future Spacecraft
Tired of bulky life-support systems that could breakdown mid-mission, NASA recently proposed a more watery approach.
Can Weed-Seeking Robots Replace Planet-Killing Herbicides?
Herbicides are great in theory, but they end up killing lots of things besides their intended target. According one technology startup, the best alternative might come in the form of weed-pulling robots.
Top 6 Common Myths About Smart Meter Danger Exposed
An informative video and fact sheet refutes the most commonly circulated myths about smart meters.
Car Talk: Crash Avoiding Tech Gets Big Test
A U.S.-backed program puts vehicle-to-vehicle communication devices in 3,000 Michigan cars, testing systems that could make driving safer.
3 Wearable Technologies That Could Make Us Healthier
Check out these three technologically-enhanced garments that in the future could help to improve the health of the wearer.
California High Speed Rail On Track In Spite Of Uncertainties
California high speed rail passes a major hurdle via approved funding for the first segment, but many challenges still loom.
Garbage-Eating Drone Destroys Ocean Pollution
Not all autonomous robots are designed for violence or espionage.
Greenpeace Not Sold On Apple’s Data Center Moves
Apple’s tough week continues with Greenpeace reacting skeptically to the company’s claims it will run its data centers off renewable energy.
Are Smart Meters Hazardous To Your Health?
Smart meters, despite their technological usefulness, are said by some to raise health concerns such as insomnia and nausea. Is this a legitimate concern?
Meet The Deep Sea Version Of The Starship Enterprise
Half sea-station, half sailing ship, the SeaOrbiter is designed to facilitate continuous observation of the underwater world without disrupting underwater ecosystems.