Renewable Energy

Oyster 800 wave power device Aquamarine Power

Wave Energy Plans Evolve In Scotland

Scotland backs Aquamarine’s plan to add two more Oyster wave energy devices to its Orkney demo, and for the first time energy will flow onto the National Grid.

Obama Budget Pumps Up Clean Energy, FWIW

The president said he wouldn’t back down on clean-energy investment, and his 2013 budget comes through—but turning proposals into reality will be a challenge.

LEAP powerbuoy

No Waves, No Problem For PowerBuoy

Ocean Power Technologies’ autonomous PowerBuoy successfully powers offshore security and monitoring equipment, even when the New Jersey sea goes calm.

Smart City San Diego, EV Charging Station

San Diego Makes Smart City Moves

Smart City San Diego, a collaborative effort including the city and various renewable energy/cleantech stakeholders, has made big strides in the last year.


Seaweed Is The New Algae Of Biofuels

Researchers at Bio Architecture Lab have developed a process that will allow advanced biofuels and chemicals to be produced from macroalgae, or seaweed.