Search Results for "Department of Energy"

insolight most efficient concentrating PV solar panel

Concentrating PV Solar Could Hit Mainstream with Insolight

Swiss company Insolight has created the most efficient concentrating photovoltaic solar panels (CPV), a technology that uses lenses to concentrate light onto small solar panels underneath, to date. After two years of research, its created […]


How a Hotter Climate Destroys Thermal Electricity Generation

Both hydropower and conventional thermal combustion electricity is depleted in a hotter new climate. A new paper published at Nature Climate Change, Power-generation system vulnerability and adaptation to changes in climate and water resources provides a comprehensive look […]

wind power

Record-Breaking Milestone For American Wind Power

Wind power has hit an important milestone in America, with 980 working wind installations generating 70 gigawatts of renewable electricity. Solar power gets a lot of attention because it’s so much more visible to many […]