The German ECOLAR solar home has taken the top prize in Engineering and Construction in this year’s Solar Decathlon Europe, followed by Hugary’s Odooproject.
Solar Power
France, Germany Take Top Dog In Solar Architecture Contest
The Canopea home by the team from Rhône-Alpes, France, has taken first prize in the Architecture Contest of the Solar Decathlon Europe, with Germany in second.
Solar Goliath: Europe Accounts For 70% Of Global PV
How dominant is Europe in solar power? It has 51 gigawatts out of 70 GW of global installed capacity, according to a new EU report.
Solar-Covered Canals Catching On In India
The Indian state of Gujarat unveiled a 1-megawatt solar power system covering a stretch of irrigation canal – and now a second state is planning to do even more.
Amid Solar Turmoil, Concentrating PV Maker Readies Plant
Is it any time to be opening a solar manufacturing plant? It is for Semprius, which boasts CPV modules with 33.9 percent efficiency.
California’s Solar Power Peak: The Real Story
No, when California went over 1 gigawatt in utility solar production, the peak didn’t come between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., when demand was at its highest.
$10M Rooftop Solar Competition Opens With Soft-Cost Focus
The DOE-sponsored “Race for the Rooftops” competition is looking for teams to install solar at $1/watt for non-hardware costs – and fast.
Big Retailers Rule In Onsite Solar Power
Walmart is No. 1, followed by Costco, Ikea, Kohl’s and Macy’s in a new compilation of the top U.S. companies for solar power capacity.
Big Projects Drive US Solar To Huge 2nd Quarter
Utility-scale projects drove second quarter U.S. solar installations to new heights, but the residential sector was flat and commercial installations plunged.
California’s 1 Gigawatt Solar Milestone: What Does It Mean?
Passing 1 GW in utility-scale solar both shows how far California has come and how far it has to go in meeting its renewable energy goals.
China Solar Probe A Go In Europe
Europe joins the U.S. in turning up the heat on Chinese solar makers, launching a probe that could lead to duties on imports to the huge EU market.
California Community Solar Bill Bites The Dust
Community solar legislation dies in the California State Legislature, and proponents blame utilities and their “high paid lobbyists.”
Off-Grid Solar EV Charger Could Leave Drivers Disappointed
Can a company’s 1.6-kilowatt solar array provide enough power to charge electric vehicles? Not very many, and not for very long.
Does Power Tower Solar Harm Birds And Bats?
A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service official wants new power tower solar plant approvals delayed until monitoring data on their avian impacts comes in.