A U.K. startup gets $22 million to test its system of Pumped Heat Electricity Storage, which would become wind power’s best friend if it works.
Renewable Energy
CO2 Envisioned As Source Of Green Fuel
German researchers think their technique for combining carbon dioxide with hydrogen to make methanol could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Sierra Club To Wind Power: We Really Love You
Karl Rove comes out in favor of the production tax credit for wind, but it’s the Sierra Club’s beefed-up backing that could make a bigger difference.
Biodiesel Wants Help, But Does It Deserve It?
The biodiesel industry takes its story of recycled french-fry grease – and jobs – to Washington in an effort to gain legislative support.
Cellulosic Biofuel Gets Better, But There’s A But
A process that yields energy-dense biofuel from cellulose is reportedly close to being economical, if you use fossil fuels to help make it.
Global Geothermal Energy Use Slowly Edges Up
Geothermal power is on the rise, at least according to latest figures from the industry body, the Geothermal Energy Association (GEA).
Is Konarka Mitt Romney’s Solyndra?
The Romney campaign seems to have some ‘splainin’ to do after Konarka, backed by Massachusetts under the Romney administration, goes belly up.
Biofuel Steam Locomotive Tomorrow’s Cleaner Mass Transit?
An ambitious plan unfolding in Minnesota aims to marry biocoal and steam technology in a modernized locomotive to create a more carbon natural form of mass transit.
Underwater Turbine Catches Ride On Scot Tides
ScottishPower Renewables has just completed an initial testing period for its 1 megawatt tidal power project in the Orkney isles, located off the northern tip of Scotland.
Wind Power Bigs Promise To Be Nice To Birds
The industry, taking a break in its fight to retain a key tax incentive, says it’s committed to implementing recently established siting guidelines.
Noisy Massachusetts Wind Turbine Shut Down
The debate about wind turbines, noise and health takes a new turn in Massachusetts, with the state recommending a turbine be shut down for further testing.
Bioenergy From Cleared Forests A Climate Killer
When wood from cleared forests is used to produce bioenergy, the climate impacts are more dire than if the wood is used for lumber, UC Davis researchers say.
Aussie Wave Power Tech Washes Ashore In Bermuda
Bermuda is on the way to getting Carnegie Wave Energy’s CETO system after a study showed the Caribbean island’s viability for commercial marine power.
GOP Takes Aim At US Navy’s Great Green Fleet
The U.S. Navy plans to demo its “Great Green Fleet” in a big maritime exercise this summer, but Republicans in Congress want to turn off the biofuel spigot.