Humans are creatures of habit. We don’t like it when someone asks (or tells) us to change our routine. That’s why it can be frustrating when someone suggests installing solar panels or buying a hybrid vehicle to achieve a smaller carbon footprint. Yes, those tactics make a big impact, but they’re way out of reach for a vast majority of the population. They are BIG, expensive changes, and those are always easier to wiggle out of.
Many small to mid-sized companies are in the same boat. While they’re more nimble than large corporations, they often lack the capital and manpower to make huge energy efficient upgrades. But that doesn’t mean small businesses are off the hook. As the infographic below explains, there are many different ways for a mom and pop company to take a big bite out of their energy bill, and set an example for the entire community. Be sure to keep scrolling for more useful info after the jump.
Infographic via BOLT Insurance
It’s all well and good to list a few green behaviors on an infographic, but much harder to implement them in real life. The key is to set a big goal, but start small. Instead of looking for ways to implement all 13 suggestions, pick the one that you think will be the easiest, and go from there. To help, here are some of our most popular posts related to the small changes listed above. Use them to help you guide your choices, and you’ll be well on the way to a smaller utility bill and a greener world!
Free App Calculates Eco-Lighting Savings: A new smartphone app from Eco Hatchery provides on-the-spot recommendations for energy efficient lighting equivalents to your old incandescents, allowing you to strategically replace old bulbs based on cost and payback – or, of course, replace all of your bulbs in one fell swoop.
Energy Star Goes For ‘Most Efficient’ Label: The Most Efficient designation graces approximately the top five percent of models currently on the market in the following categories: clothes washers, heating and cooling equipment, televisions, and refrigerator-freezers.
Is Going Paperless A Google Greenwashing Scam?: Short answer–no. Switching from paper to digital communication can still reduce waste and save energy.
E-Waste Recycling–Staples Will Take It All: Staples and HP have rolled out a nationwide plan to help consumers recycle a wide array of electronic products that could otherwise end up in landfills, no matter what brand they are or where you bought them.