The USB EcoStrip 2.0 is a power strip you plug a bunch of devices into in order to share load on one outlet. Exciting, huh? Actually, the EcoStrip is much more than just a power strip, according to EcoStrip CEO Shawn Bowyer, who is the subject of this interview about his company’s interesting spin on making the mundane household accessory a power savings device.
The essential function of the EcoStrip is to help you conserve energy by completely turning off power hungry devices when you aren’t in need of them, eliminating the stand by power so many of them draw on. It is described as “an energy saving smart power strip with surge protection” that powers down plugged in devices when you turn off your computer. It is said each implementation of this device will save “between $1 and $100 per year per workstation depending on your configuration and down time.” A bold claim indeed. Let’s see exactly what Bowyer has to say about what makes this power strip so interesting and why you might want to pay $45 for one.

EarthTechling (ET): What’s the background of EcoStrip? How did the company get started?
Shawn Bowyer: EcoStrip was founded upon a belief and a mission that we could offer a product to the world that would address and combat the growing problem of wasted electricity to standby power and vampire electronics. In addition we strongly believed that we could accomplish that goal and simultaneously save people money while allowing them to do their part in helping the environment.
ET: Tell us about the EcoStrip product. What makes it unique?
Bowyer: The USB EcoStrip 2.0 uses award winning patented technology which makes it the most simple and reliable solution available today. The USB EcoStrip 2.0 is 100% reliable 100% of the time. When the computer is turned off the USB EcoStrip 2.0 cuts all power flow to the peripherals eliminating standby power.
ET: How does this device compare to other power saving products out there?
Bowyer: All the other products either use older threshold or motion sensing technology to control the powering down of the computer related peripherals. These products are commonly referred to as “Automatic” switching outlets. Automatic means that it can automatically shut down your computer and peripherals even if that’s not what you want. These products can have a mind of their own.
ET: Your product has a USB connection, which seems unique compared to other power strips on the market. What exactly does that do?
Bowyer: The USB automates the process of turning off power circuits to connected peripheral devices when they are not in use. Simply turn off your computer and the Ecostrip does the rest.
ET: Why should consumers be concerned about standby power?
Bowyer: The negative effects on individuals and businesses in North America last year was estimated to be Eleven Billion Dollars of wasted power leading to millions of tons of carbon dioxide emissions.